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Notice for Member


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협회 공지사항 List
No Title Name Registration Date Hit
205 기타 [Bid Announcement] Korea REITs Association Website Reorganization 기획총무팀 2024-09-27 1,673
204 기타 [Gwacheon Urban Development Corporation] Announcement of Recruitment of Candidat... 한국리츠협회 2024-09-23 1,493
203 설명회/간담회 Policy - Financial for the Improvement of Old Planning Cities(9/10 Seoul), Guide... 한국리츠협회 2024-09-06 1,795
202 설명회/간담회 The 2nd Policy Debate: Improvement of the soundness of real estate development p... 리츠정책팀 2024-08-22 2,001
201 기타 [KTCU] the selection of consignment management company for The-K Hotel Seoul sit... 리츠연구원 2024-07-08 4,390
200 설명회/간담회 MOLIT, REITs Activation Plan Announced 리츠정책팀 2024-06-17 7,330
199 기타 Announcement of the selection plan for the 'Korea Land and Geospatial Informatix... 리츠연구원 2024-06-12 3,586
198 기타 Announcement of selection of asset management company (AMC) of local branch of K... Comment 109 리츠정책팀 2024-05-20 4,452
197 기타 Seoul City Building Energy Reporting and Rating System 리츠연구원 2024-04-16 3,304
196 설명회/간담회 Materials for the briefing session on support measures for PF projects utilizing... 리츠정책팀 2024-04-08 4,560